Aristotle once said that "the aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Now, maybe being an Aristotelian makes my use of that quote biased but I think that it's a sentence which both expresses the personality within pieces of art but also the accessibility of it all. As if one reduces what is being said there to its bare essentials, one can see that Aristotle is telling us, very directly, that art is people telling other people how they feel about something. The creation of art can be, and typically is, a very introspective act, but, at the same time nothing could be more expressively, personally and liberatingly extroverted. The act of creating art is in itself a very brave thing to do. It means you share with people, people you may not know, and you let them into YOUR head, your space. You let them see the colours you see in, the textures you feel with and the style you live by. I have painted before ... and I've also drawn pictures via a melting candle. I know the pain of not getting the yearned for result but conversely know the victory of seeing that picture from your head in your hands. So knowing whats it's like to create art and write about it has allowed me to come to the conclusion that I love art! I really do. I find that there is something so innate and primal yet so progressive about it. In a primeval sense it is a response - something which has occurred since the beginning of time for life to flourish. But its the way that this response reveals life thats so progressive. One can look at the way art is made and made to look to see the dimensions of thought that have gone into it. It can reveal to us the ways in which the world is acting in general and then how the world is acting in a very personal way. Art can be and truly is something for everyone.
Having now written that first introductory paragraph, I would just like to say that this blog is going to, quite obviously, be me talking about art. I like talking about art; divulging the techniques used to create pieces, speculating on the ideas behind it and most importantly admiring it and sharing it. I would like just to show art that I like (and mostly I will) but on the odd occasion I will take the odious task of dealing with art that I'm not entirely fond of. This is just to showcase the fact that art provokes a range of responses. If one thinks along those lines then this blog is really a piece of art in itself. It's me opening up my head and having my thoughts drop into the page like paint. Every word is a different colour and every painting I talk about is a moment that inspired me.
This is my blog about art, turning it into art and then maybe, possibly, hopefully sparking further art.