Sunday, 4 January 2015

KIM LOVE & what her cover uncovers

What is so bold about Kim Kardashian's latest cover shoot is that she doesn’t appear in her usual style. But that’s what’s so intriguing about it! For years people felt that, as she is a reality TV star, they knew everything about her. Simply because it was documented so candidly on her show. But, being a Kardashian watching fan, I have always felt that there is more that meets the eye with her. I think that she is a master of manipulation. She knows exactly how to manipulate herself to manipulate others to then manipulate a result/product to suit her. A prime example of it is now, with this cover on LOVE magazine.

She unleashed her now infamous ‘Break The Internet’ images a couple of months ago. It showed us, the world, a Kim we feel we know. We know her as a sexy, vivacious woman who knows how to work it in front of a camera. We know that she can strip off ... she did it years ago for Playboy. But here, for LOVE magazine she looks different. She stands with bleached eyebrows, draped in Prada. The two covers are very different from each other aesthetically. But with Kim at the forefront, there seems to be a symbiosis. I think that the two covers correspond to each other. Kim is revealing her layers right before us. She showed us with ‘Break The Internet’ that she is still the same fun loving woman who we love. But while she reassured us with that cover that she is the same, she is showing us, with this LOVE cover, that there is more to that fun-loving girl. She too is a bold woman, not afraid of experimentation. She looks completely different but in control. The colours don’t mute anything but rather radiate off of her. They look more like a product of her, rather than a product for her. They tell us that this Kim can control at the elements in her life (the colours, materials and textures of the clothes are symbolic of such elements). I don’t know if the omission of her eyebrows was an aesthetic or philosophical decision, but I, personally, think that [in the images] the two become intertwined. Eyebrows are a great indicator of emotion and gesture. Without them we think it’s odd as we cant infer things as easily. So without them in these images they stand to show that Kim isn’t easy to read. It puts her in the power position. She can control her life and puts us in our places too. 
This cover is a very aggressive but poetic cover, and that's why I LOVE it (excuse the pun). It’s a cover that continues to document this ever-increasingly important figure in the world, and the story SHE is telling. 

     Kim Kardashian Looks Unrecognizable on 'Love' Magazine Cover

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